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Advanced Settings

Learn more about advanced settings for your community and membership page

In the advanced settings dialog, admins have the capability to customize the domain and integrate Google Analytics for their community and membership pages.


The URLs for your community and membership pages are different. You have the option to utilize a Step3 subdomain or to employ your domain.

Subdomain of Step3

The Step3 subdomain is the default access point for your membership and community pages. You can copy the link to your clipboard using the blue copy link button. Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for the domain changes to go live.

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Use your domain

Our platform allows you to use your domain for your community and membership pages. Note: After configuring the CNAME value at your domain server it could take up to 30 minutes to update.

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Google Analytics

A Measurement ID is an identifier (e.g., G-12345) for a web data stream. You can find your measurement ID here. You can use the Measurement ID to send data to a specific web stream. For Google Analytics, your Measurement ID is the same as your destination ID. Learn more about how to set up Google Analytics for your website here.

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