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Sign in or register via Email

Creating an account or logging in via Email is easy; follow these steps to get started

Sign in or Register via Email

To use our platform, you’ll need to register or login with your pre-existing account. Our platform allows you to create an account using any email address.

To sign in or register enter your email, enter your email address in the “Email” field and click continue.
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To resend an email to the email address entered, simply click resend. If you want to use a different email address, you can update it by clicking on the back arrow and re-entering the correct email address.


Check your email inbox. You will receive an email with the OTP code to verify your email address.

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To complete your account creation read and accept the terms and conditions and click create account.

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Once your account is created, you will be taken through our onboarding screens where you can learn more about our platform and proceed to create your first reward.

Learn more about how to create a reward
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