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How to create a reward

Learn how to create and publish token-gated rewards.

How to Create a Reward

To create a new reward, access your admin dashboard. Depending on your needs, you can choose between the community rewards dashboard and the membership program dashboard.

Navigate to Your Dashboard:

  1. Community Rewards Dashboard: If you're creating rewards for your community, access the community rewards dashboard. Here, you can manage rewards specifically tailored for your community members.
  1. Membership Program Dashboard: For rewards targeted towards your membership pass holders, access the membership program dashboard. This area allows you to create rewards that cater to your members' needs and preferences.
  1. You can create a new reward by clicking 'Create Reward' located on the right side of the reward dashboard.

2. Select reward type

Select your desired reward type you’ll automatically be brought to the next step of the reward creation flow.

  • Allow List
  • Coupon Code
  • Custom
  • Event Pass
  • Gated Content
  • Raffle
  • Poll
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3. Add Reward Details

Admins have the flexibility to enter their title and description for the reward, allowing them to tailor the messaging to suit their specific goals and audience. The ability to add an image to the reward enhances its visual appeal and can help attract participants' attention, making the reward more enticing and engaging.

Admins can specify a claim limit for the reward, controlling the number of participants who can redeem it. Alternatively, they may choose to leave it as unlimited, allowing an unlimited number of participants to claim the reward.

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4. Add Reward Type Additional Information

In this step you can add claim information relevant to your reward type. For example an event pass reward you’d input the event details such as the event date and event description.


5. Add Claim Conditions (optional)

Specify additional tasks that claimers must complete before they can successfully claim the reward.

  1. User Details: Email verification: The user will be required to verify their email address and opt-in to future emails before they can claim the reward.
  1. Social Activities: Twitter: Like Tweet, Retweet Tweet and Follow an account Instagram: View the Instagram page TikTok: View the Tiktok page Discord: Join the Discord server Facebook: View the Facebook page
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Learn more about creating rewards with additional tasks

6. Publish your reward

The last step of reward creation is where you can handle the scheduling and end date of your reward.

  1. Specify a start date: Publish Now: If you're eager to kick off your reward, select the publish now option.
    1. Start Date: Alternatively, if you have a specific launch date or want to align your reward with a particular event or campaign, you can schedule it to start at a later date.

      Display as "Coming Soon": You also have the option to showcase your reward on your membership or community page as "Coming Soon," generating anticipation and excitement among your audience before the official launch.

  1. Specify a end date: Define the duration of your reward campaign by setting an end date. Note that if no end-date is specified, the reward will stay active until closed by the Admin.
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